know that place by knowing which, everything else can be known
Upcoming Events
Freediving course
Salvador-BA, Brazil - 2013/02/01
2-day course, covering all aspects of freediving. Explore your physical and mental potential. Includes daily yoga and pranayama practice.
Curso de meditação
Salvador-BA, Brazil - 2013/02/16
Nesse curso voce receberá a técnica de meditação, exercícios eficazes de respiração, posturas leves de Yoga e métodos para relaxar melhor.
Pranayama workshop series
Dahab, Egypt - 2013/07/31
Improve your breathing, breath hold, concentration, relaxation and cleansing practice. No prerequisites
Maldives freediving project
The Maldives - 2013/10/18
Exciting new freediving project in The Maldives. In collaboration with one of the best resorts in the world, Ken will be teaching freediving from October onwards.
Copenhagen, Denmark. - 2014/10/04
Lær at meditere effektivt. Du vil få dybdegående viden om meditation, afslappende og rensende vejrtrækningsøvelser (Pranayamas) samt hvordan du integrerer det i din dagligdag.
Freediving course with Pranayama workshop
Dahab, Egypt - 2014/10/12
3 Day Freediving course that includes an in-depth Pranayama workshop where Ken will teach and guide you into the amazing world of Breathing Techniques, drawing on his 21 years experience.
I really loved doing your meditation course. The meditation has brought me inner peace and I´m seeing life with more clarity now. You transmit a lot of confidence, love and especially peace…
GabrielaKen is the best teacher in this field that I have encountered. Beyond knowing this science very well and conducting dynamic sessions, he has so much intuition and sensitivity…
Fátima Santiago“Dear Ken, practicing yoga with you was simply an unforgettable experience! I got such a vitality and a more serene and centered way to conduct myself in life. Its incredible how a physical practice translates into subjective experiences so rich and profound…
Litza“I want to say that your class is gem! Very precious experience for one who loves the subtle”.
Jahlyn Karuna, Yoga teacher & healing artistIt was only when I took Kens Yoga and Pranayama workshop that I realized what I had been missing! I was instantly brought back to that special feeling of relaxation and great inspiration…
Kaori Yamashiro, Okinawa Japan